If you want to find all packages related to some topic (for instance, if you're doing research for this guide), the best way is still browsing through relevant categories on Hackage.
If you want a more curated list (with comments), read State of the Haskell ecosystem (which is continuously updated via pull requests). It's also useful if you want to know what to use for a particular problem domain (like “building a compiler”).
“Haskell is easy” lists only 1–2 recommended choices for each category, but the recommendations are good and people (at least on Reddit) love it.
A much, much, much longer list by Gabriel Gonzalez, an engineer at Twitter and the author of pipes (and lots of popular posts about Haskell).
- Good if you want to know what Haskell is good/bad at.
- Good if you want lists of packages without filler from Hackage.
- Not so good if you're trying to compare libraries.
Compares Haskell with other languages (“best in class for compilers”, “immature for game programming”, etc).
Gives lists of libraries and provides some comments on them.
Gives links to tutorials / educational resources.
Has book recommendations, too.
Shows download counts, which is at least some kind of metric for package popularity. (There's a list of most downloaded packages too.)
You can vote for libraries.
A list by Stephen Diehl, and it's not really a list but more like a giant file with notes on Haskell concepts, tooling, and libraries. Has lots and lots of examples.
A list by Chris Allen, the author of Haskellbook and Learn Haskell and generally a well-known Haskeller.
Doesn't attempt to compare anything, just gives you 1–2 recommendations in each category. Sort of like “reasonable defaults for Haskellers”.
A page designed to replace, from the FPComplete folks:
- A “getting started” guide for Haskell
- A good list of recommended libraries
- A list of books, tutorials and online courses (many tutorials written specially for
- A list of online communities, Haskell conferences, etc