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filepath (Hackage)
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Summary edit summary

This package provides functionality for manipulating FilePath values, and is shipped with both GHC and the Haskell Platform. It provides three modules:

  • System.FilePath.Posix manipulates POSIX/Linux style FilePath values (with / as the path separator).

  • System.FilePath.Windows manipulates Windows style FilePath values (with either \ or / as the path separator, and deals with drives).

  • System.FilePath is an alias for the module appropriate to your platform.

All three modules provide the same API, and the same documentation (calling out differences in the different variants).

Summary quit editing summary
Prosedit prosquit editing pros
  • Easy to use interface
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Consedit consquit editing cons

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    Ecosystemedit ecosystem
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    directory (Hackage)
    move item up move item down edit item info delete item
    Summary edit summary

    This library provides a basic set of operations for manipulating files and directories in a portable way.

    Summary quit editing summary
    Prosedit prosquit editing pros

      press Ctrl+Enter or Enter to addmarkdown supportededit off
      Consedit consquit editing cons

        press Ctrl+Enter or Enter to addmarkdown supportededit off
        Ecosystemedit ecosystem
        Ecosystemquit editing ecosystemor press Ctrl+Enter to savemarkdown supported
        collapse notesedit notes

        <notes are empty>

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