Lots of people dislike the standard prelude, for example for its use of String instead of Text. There have been several attempts to make better ones.


base-prelude or Prelude (the package, not the module) are almost unambiguously a net win because they simply reexports things from base and let you reduce your imports without making you learn anything new.

As for other preludes, it's hard to say.

  • relude has the best documentation.
  • protolude looks nice.
  • classy-prelude is used more often than all other preludes (judging by Github's code search), which probably means something.

Anyway, it all depends on your coding style and what exactly you're writing.

If you're starting a huge project from scratch, you might want to look at foundation, which reinvents a lot of things (even Vector and Text), but claims to do it better.

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Alternative to Prelude from @kowainik (and originally from Stephen Diehl). Main design goals for relude:

  • Type-safety and function totality
  • Performance
  • Convenience
  • Minimalism

See README.md for motivation behind relude.

Summary quit editing summary
Prosedit prosquit editing pros
  • Excellent documentation: Haddock with doctest-tested examples, tutorial, migration guide from Prelude.
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  • Beginner-friendly: doesn't require advanced Haskell knowledge to use it, but takes advantage of intermediate Haskell features to provide excellent performance and descriptive error messages.
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  • Efficient strings: focuses on using functions with more efficient string types like Text or ByteString instead of String where appropriate.
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  • Opt in oriented: contains various extremely useful functions. But they are not exported by default to not spoil global namespace.
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  • Custom HLint rules: has custom hlint rules that allow you to improve code quality after migration to relude.
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Consedit consquit editing cons
  • Medium size: relude is not extremely lightweight. To improve convenience, it depends on most common libraries like bytestring, text, mtl, containers, unordered-containers, deepseq, stm.
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classy-prelude (Hackage)
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A prelude that defines lots of ad-hoc typeclasses (e.g. there's IsMap with methods like lookup, insertMap, etc) and thus removes the need for most qualified imports.

It also defines some utility functions (whenM, etc) and reexports lots of commonly used modules (from time, mtl, and so on).

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Prosedit prosquit editing pros
  • Marks undefined as deprecated (so you'll know if you've accidentally left it in code).
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  • Goes further than other preludes in removing boilerplate like qualified names, etc.
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Consedit consquit editing cons
  • Some people dislike ad-hoc typeclasses.
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  • Without qualified names it's hard to understand what type you're operating on.
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  • Error messages can be scary.
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protolude (Hackage)
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A prelude by Stephen Diehl. Described here by its author.


  • base, mtl, deepseq, async, void, safe (safer functions for lists)
  • Text/LText, ByteString/LByteString, Map, Set
  • Some utility functions (orAlt, ordNub, whenM, etc)
  • Rewrites functions/classes that aren't present in earlier versions of base (bool, Bifunctor, etc)

Other things:

  • Defines a class for string conversion and generalises functions like show and print
  • Renames id to identity (because it's convenient to be able to name variables id)
  • Generalises map to fmap, generalises head to Foldable
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Prosedit prosquit editing pros
  • Exports more utility functions than other preludes.
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  • The renaming of id to identity is nice.
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  • Doesn't do anything radical, so you can start using it quickly.
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  • Adds warnings to trace, error and undefined (so you can use them but you're constantly warned that they're still present in code).
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  • Exports more functions than other preludes.
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protolude-lifted – a version with reexports from lifted-base and lifted-async for convenient work in monads other than IO

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base-noprelude (Hackage)
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Not actually an alternative Prelude, but rather a convenient way to define your own Prelude. It re-exports all of base except for Prelude.

GHC will implicitly import the module called Prelude, which is usually found in the base package. If, however, you depend on base-noprelude rather than base and your package has a module called Prelude, that will be used instead, allowing you to customise it to your needs.

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Prosedit prosquit editing pros
  • Assemble your own custom prelude that perfectly fits your needs.
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  • No imports or NoImplicitPrelude pragmas at use sites.
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Consedit consquit editing cons
  • Some assembly required
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  • It's possible to make code unreadable by re-defining common names or going overboard with new combinators.
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Designed to work out of the box with alternative Prelude packages such as Prelude.

Could be combined with one of the actual alternative preludes with a dummy Prelude.hs that uses the qualified module export technique, so that you don't have to import the alt-prelude in every module.

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basic-prelude (Hackage)
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A “foundation” prelude by the author of classy-prelude. Exports two modules – CorePrelude (intended for developers who want to make their own prelude), and BasicPrelude (a simple prelude for users, built on CorePrelude).

CorePrelude reexports:

  • commonly used functions from Prelude and other base modules
  • types (the usual bunch – Map, Vector, HashMap, ByteString, Text, etc)
  • a selection of functions from other packages (lift and liftIO, </> and <.>, as well as hashing functions from hashable, functions for catching exceptions from lifted-base, and readArgs from ReadArgs, a very simple parser for command line arguments)

It also reimplements functions like putStrLn and print for Text, and a small number of utility functions (bool, equating).

BasicPrelude, additionally:

  • reexports Control.Monad, methods of Foldable and Traversable, some functions from Data.List
  • generalises ++, concat, and map
  • replaces read, show, readFile, etc with their Text-based equivalents
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Prosedit prosquit editing pros
  • Exports functions from filepath and hashable, which many other preludes don't do.
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Consedit consquit editing cons
  • Doesn't export &.
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  • Focuses on Text, so can be annoying if you use many libraries that need String.
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  • Only reimplements a few functions for compatibility with older versions of base (other preludes reimplement more).
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  • Feels somewhat opinionated (why hashable and ReadArgs but not more commonly used libraries like deepseq or mtl? etc).
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Foundation is a Haskell project to implement a modern & performant standard library with various centrally maintained functionalities.

Haskell's base has been designed a while ago and shows its age. For better or worse, it's also really hard to change base, leading to many interesting but ultimately fruitless discussions, lots of wasted efforts, and/or duplicated pieces and libraries.

Also many core libraries, which brings lots of welcome modern additions to the language (text, bytestring, vector, & many others), are maintained on the side, without coordination. For example bytestring and vector doesn't share any code.

Foundation is trying to provide a solution to those technical and maintainance limitations.

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      base-prelude (Hackage)
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      A single module reexporting most definitions in base. Doesn't serve any purpose other than reducing the number of imports, but is still pretty useful. (For me it routinely shaves off 5–10 imports.)

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      Prosedit prosquit editing pros
      • You don't have to learn any new functions, or, well, anything. Just plug it in and enjoy not having to import things.
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      • Doesn't incur any dependencies.
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      • Doesn't help with other commonly needed packages (such as text, vector, etc).
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      rebase – uses base-prelude and exports lots of additional modules

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      rebase (Hackage)
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      A pretty interesting prelude – it depends on lots of commonly used packages (containers, deepseq, hashable, mtl, text, time, uuid, vector, and more), and makes their modules available to you via the Rebase.* namespace – so, for instance, instead of adding a dependency on text and importing Data.Text you can just import Rebase.Data.Text and get Data.Text, Data.Text.IO and Data.Text.Encoding simultaneously. This means that you save some imports and don't have to manually add a dependency.

      It also provides a Rebase.Prelude module that reexports many non-conflicting functions and types from other modules (as well as a huge subset of base, by depending on base-prelude).

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      Prosedit prosquit editing pros
      • Exports modules in full, not just arbitary subsets.
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      • Shaves off more dependency declarations than other libraries.
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      • A superset of base-prelude.
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      • The Rebase.* approach can seem ugly to some.
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      Prelude (Hackage)
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      Summary edit summary

      This package provides a "Prelude" module drop-in replacement for base's Prelude module.

      Goals of this package include:

      • Be reasonably modest and remain close in spirit to the base package's scope
      • Depend only on base (via base-noprelude) for recent GHC versions
      • Avoid partial functions being in scope by default; redefine common partial functions such as read or head to be Maybe-valued
      • Provide a uniform "Prelude" across multiple GHC releases (currently GHC 7.0 and newer supported) to the extent possible given typeclass restructurings such as AMP or FTP
      • Reduce import clutter by reexporting common verbs from modules such as Control.Monad and Control.Applicative
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      • Wide compatibility range extending all the way back to GHC 7.0
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      • Minimal dependency footprint (only base for GHC >= 8.0)
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        Yet another prelude by Michael Snoyman. From the README:

        A Haskell prelude optimized for safety.

        • No partial functions, period.

        • Choose best in class libraries (bytestring, text, etc) and promote them.

        • Regardless of the versions of underlying libraries, this package will always export a consistent API, so that CPP usage should be constrained to just inside this package.

        • Use generalization (via type classes) when they are well established. For example: Foldable and Traversable yes, MonoFoldable no.

        • Encourage qualified imports with a consistent naming scheme.

        • Export any non-conflicting and not-discouraged names from this module that make sense, e.g. ByteString, Text, or readIORef.

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          • Not on Hackage yet.
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          Minimal prelude which fixes pain points (Text, unsafe functions, etc) in the standard prelude.

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          Prosedit prosquit editing pros
          • Good support for Text over String.
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          • Common IO functions are generalized to work in any MonadIO.
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          • Has explicit an export list rather than exporting entire modules. This makes the Haddock documentation so much more useful.
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          • Avoids to export unsafe functions
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          • Does not export 'return' and many other common functions. This means it's a bit of an effort to migrate existing code to the new Prelude.
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          universum (Hackage)
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          Custom prelude from @serokell team. You can checkout bigger tutorial in README.md.

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          Prosedit prosquit editing pros
          • Maintained by company which uses Haskell in production
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          • Reexports a lot of things you usually need in your code (containers, transformers, text, etc.)
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          • Textual data type is defaulted to Text instead of String
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          • All standard IO functions are lifted to MonadIO
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          • A lot of commonly used idioms and convenient functions are introduced
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          Consedit consquit editing cons
          • Foldable type hierarchy a little bit reimagined. You might find it unexpected when some things work for Foldable but doesn't work anymore when you're using universum
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          • Assumes medium knowledge of Haskell. It's hard to use universum for Haskell beginners, unfortunately.
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          cardano-sl uses universum as a custom prelude.

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          papa (Hackage)
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          Multi-package alternative prelude. papa-base exports the safe and useful things in base. papa-bifunctors exports the safe and useful things in bifunctors. papa itself exports everything from all sub-packages.

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          Prosedit prosquit editing pros
          • Exports lots of useful functions from many libraries
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          • papa depends on lens so has a lot of dependencies
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          SubHask (Hackage)
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          From the README:

          SubHask is a radical rewrite of the Haskell Prelude. The goal is to make numerical computing in Haskell fun and fast. The main idea is to use a type safe interface for programming in arbitrary subcategories of Hask. For example, the category Vect of linear functions is a subcategory of Hask, and SubHask exploits this fact to give a nice interface for linear algebra. To achieve this goal, almost every class hierarchy is redefined to be more general.

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              pregame (Hackage)
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              A prelude for applications. Doesn't try to fix anything in Haskell, just reexports lots and lots of packages in a single module (aeson, lens, data-default, and so on; as well as the usual ones like bytestring, text, unordered-containers, etc).

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                  rio (Hackage)
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                  write something here!

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                      preliminaries (Hackage)
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                          helium-overture (Hackage)
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